Simonstown Gaels GFC

Founded 1965

Co. Meath

Chairman's Update 20th December

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Hello all, 
I want to take the opportunity to introduce myself and update you on some recent club matters. 
Firstly, I am honoured to have been elected as Chairman for the year ahead at last Thursday’s (12 December) well attended AGM. Having been involved in coaching and managing a number of teams over the last number of years I am happy to take on this new challenging role.  I wish to extend my sincere appreciation to Dan Keane, who lead the club as Chairman over the last two years and is offering me invaluable assistance as I settle into the role.  I would also like to thank those who have decided to serve on the Executive and all who served on the Executive or in any way in the club recently. 
My priorities as Chairman are clear for the year.  They are that ‘Football is First’, in other words that all our efforts are geared towards competitive football; that we ‘Stabilise and Grow’ our finances, so we can continue our club infrastructure development and finally that we ‘enhance the Community aspect’ within our club, developing a better sense of togetherness and club. I have made and will continue to make initial decisions in full coordination with the Executive to set those priorities on track. 
Since last Thursday’s AGM, I have met with various volunteers within the club obtaining insights into the current state of play, the challenges we face but more importantly the opportunities that will present themselves. I met adult managers to assist in planning next year’s football and in particular the ‘Pre Season Competitions which will come around shortly. On Tuesday (17th December) the new Executive met for the first time and we held a productive meeting setting out priorities and making initial decisions for the year ahead.   For instance, Seamus Kenny and Alan Sweeney were appointed by the Executive as the Chairs of the newly established ‘Football Committee’ and the ‘Finance Committee’ respectively.  Two other committees (‘Infrastructure/Development’ and ‘Community’) were also established with Chairs tbc at the next Executive.  I also met with Derek Melia regarding the 'Gaels on the Rails' initiative and they will start to be installed over the next few days. Many thanks to Derek and all involved in this and other fundraising initiatives.  As the new year begins we will provide more information on the outcomes of our meetings and decisions made.
I ask you all to consider how you can participate in, improve and volunteer for the club in  2025.  If you have any suggestions or queries please contact me or any member of the Committees. 

Johnny Mills

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